JEvents Blog

For all the latest news and updates on JEvents and the team.
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Released Managed Locations 3.5.0

After several months we are finally releasing Managed Locations 3.5.0. This release tackles some bugs and also add new improvements and features ;).

Despite the new features and the new settings available, we have focus all our efforts to allow our current users not need to change anything in their settings so that they can do unattended upgrades ;) (Yes, you can update it using Your Sites). Keep reading to see what's new ;)

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1970 Hits

Released Anonymous User Event Creation 3.5.0

We are really excited to announce the inmediate availability of Anonymous User Event Creation plugin 3.5.0. This release includes lots of improvements that will make it even easier for you to allow your visitors submit events to your site.

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2390 Hits

Changes in Google Maps Terms of Service

Past June 22nd Google applied some changes to the terms of service for their API. All new domains using their API will be required to use an API key and domains already using their API without a key are highly advice to start using one although no disruption in the service is planned. You can see the details visiting this link:https://developers.go...
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3609 Hits

5 new features in JEvents Locations Manager you probably did not notice

Multicategory Locations

This is one of the most asked features in the forums, as if you are running for instance a restaurant directory, you need to classify your restaurants in several categories, like "Asiatic" and "Chinese" or even using it for showing type of food and pricing overview: "Spanish food" and "Lower price". We have also migrated the categories to Joomla's default categories component so now you can also benefit of this component features.

Featured Locations

Or what is even better, priority levels for your locations. Now you can set a priority level for your locations and use this to show your featured locations always first. This Way you can have shown not only featured locations, but also to decide the importance of them in your lists.

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2578 Hits

JEvents makes your directory dance

Sad as it is to close a great project like a printing magazine, Eugenio put his hat on and decided to start an online version of his business and after meeting us at Joomla! Day Spain, he decided to give JEvents a go and its addons to create a fully feature directory site. Eugenio was not a Joomla! expert at that time but with lots of interest and with our support in the forums he has managed to move his magazine to the internet.

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1572 Hits