Migrate Data From One Site To Another


If you are upgrading your site (e.g. from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4) or are redesigning your site over a period of time and want to migrate your JEvents and club addon data from the old live site to the development site for testing or for when you go live the these scripts may help.

The download is available to bronze, silver and gold members.

If you unzip this file you will find 2 files - importjevents.php and exportjevents.php and make sure you have a backup of the target site (just in case).

  1. Place the exportjevents.php in the root of the source site , login as a super user and run the script to create a json export of all the JEvents and club addon data (and configuration) but not any images/files (these need to be copied manually) and also not menu items.
  2. Place the importjevents.php in the root of the target site , login as a super user and run the script and select the json export file from step 1. You will have the option to overwrite your settings based in the imported settings from the source site.
  3. You can repeat step 2 multiple times as it will delete ALL the JEvents related data on the target site each time it is run

REMEMBER to remove these files when you are done and your target sizes will need to be able to upload and import a potentially LARGE json file.