
Event Category (Multi Select and Event Count) Module

A module that allows you to show a list of event categories with a count of matching events and the ability to display checkboxes to choose the categories you want to display.

  • Show a list of event categories with a count of matching events
  • Display checkboxes to allow your users choose the categories you want to display
  • Simple styling that allows you create your unique module
Click the below link to take you to the Downloads related to this product.
For Joomla! 2.5 and up, please use the 3.x Version making sure you are using JEvents 3.x.
Joomla! 1.5 versions are no longer supported.

  • Show a list of event categories with a count of matching events
  • Display checkboxes to allow your users choose the categories you want to display
  • Simple styling that allows you create your unique module