Friday, 01 February 2013
  4 Replies
  2.3K Visits
Hi Geraint,
I wanted to created two new accounts for a couple of clients, so I made sure I was logged out and then created a new forum account "brclicence" for the first one.

I went through the activating the account process for "brclicence" and it all seemed to work.

However when I went to "Join the Club" to take out the Gold sub, it showed "3 expired subscriptions" when I checked I found that it had pulled up my "CPPL" account. I logged out, deleted cookies, logged in as the new account, same result. I then tried different browsers (Chrome, Firefox) both with the same result... ([i:1ujqgbd8]Note I can still log in as 'cppl' obviously as I'm posting in that account[/i:1ujqgbd8]).

Can you unlink these two accounts (cppl and brclicence, so I can take out Gold sub for brc)?

How should I create the other account so that it doesn't get linked to my CPPL account? (again so I can take a gold sub for that client)


11 years ago
I have deleted the connection in the database - I'm not sure how it was formed from your description.

Can make sure you are fully logged out before trying again i.e. logged out of both Joomla and the forum. The safest way to ensure this is to logout on the forum page and not one of the Joomla pages.

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11 years ago
Hi Geraint,
the connection still appears to be there, this time I tried it from my iPad (which has never been to before).

Basically the steps I followed were

[i:3fmjgp9h]Forum/Support->User Menu->Login[/i:3fmjgp9h]


[i:3fmjgp9h]JEvents Club->Join the club[/i:3fmjgp9h]

Again it shows 3 expired subscriptions and when I click the "Logout" link in the top right of that page it show the "Hi cppl" message with the "Log out" button.

Can you delete the brclicence account and I'll create a new user with a different name but same email address from another computer and see if I can get it registered that way...
11 years ago
Mystery solved - somehow the joomla account for cppl had ended up with the email address of brclicense so the subscription system was matching the email addresses and associating the accounts.

I have now set the Joomla user account to match your cppl user's email address and the correct matching is now happening.

JEvents Club members can get priority forum support at the Support Forum. As well as access to a variety of custom JEvents addons and benefits. Join the JEvents club today!

11 years ago
Great thanks, logged in successfully and subscribed now onto the next client!
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